When to repair and replace your windows

There comes a time as a homeowner when you have to make difficult decisions.

Sometimes, things break or they become outdated or inefficient.  Then you’ve got to decide what to do.

When it comes to windows, there are some issues that can be repaired, and some that are better off being replaced.  See which scenarios would lead to repairs and which will lead to replacement windows.

Energy Efficiency

Although really old single pane windows are extremely inefficient and you might want to replace those, most energy efficiency issues can be solved by repairing your windows instead of replacing them.  Apply caulking and weather stripping around your windows to reduce the drafts that cm in around the windows.  You can even caulk inside around your window trim to make sure everything is sealed up nice and tight.  This will keep unwanted air from escaping your comfortable home.

Rotting and Jammed Sashes

Inspect your windows.  If you see signs of rotting wood of if your sashes are jammed up or have broken pieces or parts, it’s probably best to replace the window.  It’ll save you a lot of pain down the road.

Windows Painted Shut

A common problem, especially in older homes, is windows being painted shut.  This doesn’t allow you to open the windows and create a nice cool breeze of air on those cool summer nights.  To avoid replacing these windows, you can use a sash saw to cut through the paint and free up the window.

Lead-Based Paint

If your home was built before 1960, you’d want to take the proper precautions when dealing with these windows as they are likely to contain lead-based paint.  Head over and visit the EPA for more information on lad based paint and finding someone to handle this issue.

When in doubt, bring in a licensed professional to assess the situation and give you their input as to where replacing or repairing will be the better option for you and your situation.

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